Saturday, December 21, 2013

Creative Advertising

I've been messing around a bit lately with a bit of super simple, creative advertising for my Furious Designs. Below are some of the results:

It is fun (and time-consuming) to work on the graphic designing and promotional aspects of product can be overwhelming sometimes, especially when you are also the sole person designing and manufacturing the goods. Fotor is a free and super convenient photo-editing website, and I used it to make the above Furious Design's promos. 

I've also started messing about a bit with the free photo-editing program, GIMP. It is a lot more complicated to use than Fotor, and so not as user-friendly. But unlike Fotor, you can continually edit and change your picture, using layers. A few examples I made using GIMP are below:

GIMP is free but very close to Adobe in its photo-editing capabilities. However, this makes GIMP a little more complicated to master. I'm sure I'll get better as I continue to explore the possibilities and learn GIMP better.